How do I apply for a marriage license?

Marriage Licenses are issued by the Town Clerk.

  • You must obtain the license at least 24 hours before the ceremony or up to 60 days in advance.
  • Proper identification is required (driver’s license and birth certificate).
  • The fee is $40.
  • Both parties must come in to the office in order to sign the document.
  • If one or both parties were previously married, either divorce papers with a file date or a death certificate, is required.
  • After the ceremony is performed, the license is returned and a certificate of marriage is issued.
  • Additional certified copies are available for $10 per copy.
Did you know facts.

Did you know...

The Cairo Historical Society’s Home Town Hero project recognizes the service and sacrifice of over 250 of our locally-born Soldiers, Sailors, Fliers, Coast Guards, and Marines.  Street side banners provide a continual memorial throughout every hamlet in the town. Veterans from the French & Indian War to our most recent deployments are honored by family, friends and local businesses.