How do I apply for a hunting or fishing license?

The Town Clerk’s Office serves as a sales agent for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

  • Fishing Licenses are required for anyone 16 years of age and older. Identification is required (i.e. New York State Driver’s License). A Senior License is available for those 70 years and older.
  • Hunting Licenses can be obtained by providing identification, a hunter training certificate or a previous hunting license. A Senior License is also available for hunting.
    • Hunting License is available for 12 year olds who have taken the hunter training course and are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
    • Bow Hunting Licenses are available with proper identification, a current hunting license and a previous bow hunting stamp or bow hunting training certificate.
    • Archery is available to 14 year olds with all of the Jr. Hunter requirements and a bow hunter training certificate.
  • Non-Resident Licenses are available with identification and eligibility requirements.
  • Guidelines for Hunting & Fishing Regulations may be found on the NYS DEC Website.
Did you know facts.

Did you know...

Tourism has been Cairo’s largest industry since the 1800’s. It was one of the first towns in the area to develop ski slopes and trails. Many of the regular visitors have made the conversion to seasonal or permanent residents.

The Cairo Railroad provided freight transportation to the industries in town starting in 1884. Early cargo consisted of locally mined bluestone, and hay and fruit from the local farms. In 1894 the Catskill Shale Brick Company became the railroads primary customer until the plant closed in 1914. The lack of steady freight and the increasing improvements to the local highways resulted in the termination of service at the end of the 1918 tourist season.

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