Water and Sewer Department

Mon – Fri: 9AM – 2PM

Joe Myers 
Water & Sewer Administrator
518-622-3120  ext 254


Joe Myers 
Chief Wastewater Operator

Marrianne Baldwin
Water & Sewer Clerk
518-622-3120 ext. 112

Staff Position
Joe Myers Administrator of Water & Sewer
Marrianne Baldwin Water/Sewer/EDU/Ambulance Clerk

Cairo PFAS Summary 2020

Drop your payments, even when the Town Hall is closed!

There is a locked drop box for Water, Sewer and EDU check payments located on a column in the back of the Town Hall.

A step by step guide to help you review your water usage before your bill arrives: See your Water Usage 

Did you know facts.

Did you know...

The Cairo Historical Society’s Home Town Hero project recognizes the service and sacrifice of over 250 of our locally-born Soldiers, Sailors, Fliers, Coast Guards, and Marines.  Street side banners provide a continual memorial throughout every hamlet in the town. Veterans from the French & Indian War to our most recent deployments are honored by family, friends and local businesses.