Town of Cairo News Archives

Town Hall Entryway (from Library Parking Lot) Update

The entry door to the Town Hall from the library parking lot is still closed and will re-open sometime next week (April 10-14).  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Posted in Events

Planning Board April 6, 2023

There will be a Planning Board Meeting on April 6, 2023 at 7pm in the Cairo Town Hall Meeting Room.…

Posted in Events, Meetings and Hearings

National Poetry Month at the Cairo Public Library


April 13, 2023 at 6pm in the Cairo Public Library

Posted in Events

Cairo Town Board Meeting April 3, 2023 7pm

There will be a Town Board Meeting on April 3, 2023 at 7pm in the Town Hall Meeting Room.…

Posted in Uncategorized

Easter Egg Hunt on April 8, 2023

Posted in Events

Town Hall Entrance from the Library Parking Lot – CLOSED

Construction has begun on the stairs into the Town Hall from the library parking lot. This entrance will be closed for approximately two weeks and construction should be completed around April 6, 2023. Please use the Main Street entrance during the construction period. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Posted in Events

Cairo Fire District Commissioner Meeting Time Change for March 27, 2023

There will be a time change to the scheduled Commissioner Meeting on Monday, March 27, 2023, of the Board of Fire Commissioners from 7pm to 6pm at the Cairo Fire House, Railroad Avenue, Cairo, NY

Legal Notice for 3-27-23 Meeting

Posted in Events, Meetings and Hearings