Town of Cairo News Archives

Zoning Board of Appeals Position Open

The Town of Cairo is currently seeking a Zoning Board of Appeals member.

You may complete an application found in Downloadable Forms or inquire at the Town Clerk’s office.…

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CGCC Survey










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MARCH 16 – MAY 14

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Ever Wonder How you Could Help Improve Your Town Park?

We are reaching out to residents and businesses within the Town of Cairo to assist us in obtaining the approval of a grant to help achieve the goals of improving the Angelo Canna Town Park for all that come here.

A template is attached that can be used to show your support.  A few words of your own …

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Cornell Cooperative Climate Smart Plan

Cornell Cooperative_Climate Smart Plan

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Welcome to new Town Board Member, Debra Bogins

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Stephen Kralovich has resigned his position with the Cairo Town Board.
While the Town wishes him the very best in his endeavors moving forward, a replacement had to be named. The Cairo Town Board welcomes Debra Bogins to continue the duties of the Town Council Member for the remainder of 2022.
A Special Election
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Thank you for over 33 years of service, John Kargoe

At the Town Board meeting last night, the Town Board thanked John Kargoe for all of his years of service to the Town of Cairo.  Thanks John!


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