
Interested in working for the Town of Cairo? We are always looking for motivated team members to become part of the team. Fill out an application and email it  to [email protected]; fax to 518-622-2070 or hand deliver to the Town Clerk office, 512 Main Street, Cairo NY 12413 between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm. As positions become available we will review any applications we have received.

Click on link below to apply or application can also be pick up at Town Clerk’s Office.

Download an application for a position you are interested in.

* Please note that inquiries as to court personnel positions must be directed to the court office at 518-622-3388 ext. 251 only.  Applications and/or resumes for court employment may only be directed to the court office.



[OPEN]  Building Inspector – Part Time with advancement potential to Full Time Employment – The Building and Code Enforcement Department is looking for a part-time building inspector. Hourly rate will be based on experience level. For a job description, please contact Stacy Sprague at 518-622-3531 ext 253. Please submit your employment application in person at 512 Main Street, Bookkeeper’s Office or by mail to Town of Cairo, PO Box 728, Cairo, NY 12413.

[OPEN]  Highway Department Mechanics – Full Time Employment –  The Town of Cairo Highway Department is in need of full time mechanics. Please submit an employment application in person or by mail to 755 Route 145, Cairo, NY 12413 or drop the application off at the Town Hall Supervisor Clerks office. Call the Highway Clerk at 518-622-9515 for any questions.

[OPEN]  Board of Ethics Committee Members – The Town of Cairo is looking for 2-3 members interested in being part of the Board of Ethic Committee. Members of the board shall receive no salary or compensation for their services. Contact the Town Supervisor if interested at 518-622-3120 ext 114.

[CLOSED]  Ambulance EMT – Full Time or Part Time Employment – The Town of Cairo Ambulance Department has vacancies for full time and or part time EMTs at an hourly rate of $21.42 per the union contract. Please submit an employment application in person to the Town Clerk at 512 Main Street , Cairo, NY or by mail to the Town of Cairo PO Box 728 Cairo, NY 12413. You can also email your application to [email protected]. Contact Human Resources for any questions at 518-622-3120 ext 115.

[CLOSED]  Ambulance EMT Administrator – Full Time Employment – The Town of Cairo Ambulance Department is in need of an immediate fill for an Ambulance Administrator. Please submit an employment application in person to the Town Clerk at 512 Main Street , Cairo, NY or by mail to the Town of Cairo PO Box 728 Cairo, NY 12413. You can also email your application to [email protected]. Please have applications submitted by Noon on February 14, 2025. Contact Human Resources for any questions at 518-622-3120 ext 115.

[CLOSED]  Parks, Buildings and Grounds Employee – Full Time Employment –  40 hours per week at $17.00 per hour. Please fill out an employment application and turn it into the Town Clerks office or mail it to PO Box 728, Town of Cairo Parks Department, Cairo, NY, 12413. DEADLINE to APPLY: September 24, 2024

[CLOSED]  Tax Assessor Clerk -Part Time Employment- The Town of Cairo has a vacancy for a Part Time Tax Assessor Clerk. Hourly rate will be based on experience level. For a job description, please contact Janice Hull or Johanna Halvorsen. Please submit an employment application in person at 512 Main Street, Bookkeeper’s Office or by mail to Town of Cairo, PO Box 728, Cairo, NY 12413. Please contact Janice Hull at 518-622-3120 ext 252 for any questions.


[CLOSED]  Board of Assessment Review (BAR) Member – The Town of Cairo has a vacancy on the BAR. Please submit an employment application in person at 512 Main Street, Bookkeeper’s Office or by mail to Town of Cairo, PO Box 728, Cairo, NY 12413. Please contact Janice Hull at 518-622-3120 ext 252 for any questions.